Some Animated Gifs

(page started 10/8/2012)


This page is for fun, but in my professional life, I'm CTO of Backblaze.



I see amusing GIFs go by on the internet, and then later I cannot find them.  So I decided to save a few here.











Kitty crying sheds a tear:


Many thumbs up scenes concatenated together:


Heavy Weapons Guy from Team Fortress 2 gives a thumbs up:


Cat saying "nah":


When a customer is yelling at you, but the person behind them intervenes and supports you.


Freaky three headed horse with three eyes:


Bain says, "Hope poisons the soul.  There can be no true despair without hope."


Austin Powers "Pour One Out for my Homies":


Gandalf grabs the popcorn:


Terminator Thumbs Up while Melting:


That's it!

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This page is for fun, but in my professional life, I'm CTO of Backblaze.